-A Historic Overview on Dental Crowns-
In the past, material such as gold was used for making powerful and long lasting dental crowns. More recently, individuals have turned to the option of dental porcelain out of desiring to maintain their teeth looking alluring, as opposed to filling up a mouthful of metal. Porcelain is a bright, white, ceramic material which comes in a wide variety of tones. The best quality porcelain has subtle alterations of color, making it fit tooth enamel even more accurately. Porcelain wears well and is quite mild on opposing teeth while chewing.
Where We Are Today
Dental crowns in Westlake Village protect what remains of healthy tooth tissue after too much damage or decay, giving it new surfaces on all sides. If endodontic treatment is needed, a crown is also likely to be needed. However, dental crowns are often made without any endodontic work, as the tooth origin continues to be intact. Our dentists in Westlake Village CA do it in two visits since they utilize a dental lab to make the crown. Some aesthetic dentists have committed to CEREC technology, and may thus complete your crown more rapidly. A CEREC chairside system can picture, plan, and create the crown in one visit. After your dentist removes any contaminated or rotted material, the tooth is shaped and ready to receive the crown.
The dentist uses a digicam to get detailed pictures of the tooth and place around it, that are input to the CEREC system. Utilizing the CEREC software, your dentist examines the info and plans your crown in order that it’ll fit exactly over your tooth and maintain your bite smoothly and comfortably. In about fifteen minutes, a CEREC mill creates the crown. Your dentist will match it momentarily to check the tone and comfort, then bond it completely to the tooth. Good dental hygiene is vital for maintaining your crown after treatment. Even though the porcelain will keep its original color and not stain in reaction to pigmented foods and beverages, it’s vital to prevent bacteria build-up. Daily cleaning and flossing will keep bacteria from distributing beneath dental crowns and causing decay on the tooth and its origin. Annual, or twice annual visits for professional teeth cleaning in Westlake Village can be extremely important. This is how the hard film on teeth, which causes gingiva to bleed throughout the first stage of gum disease, is removed.
Get Your Teeth Covered
Dental crowns have surely come a long way over the years, and the dentists at Westlake Village take great pride in continuously focusing and educating themselves on the advancements provided within modern technology. When it comes to treatment such as endodontics and dental crowns, a professional consultation is always going to be the appropriate place to start. Concerns for the health of our teeth can only be assessed through action, and ignoring or avoiding the problem for any period of time almost certainly increases not only the extent of damage, but our discomfort as well. Take the first step to a better smile and a better you by reaching out to your Westlake Village dentist today.