
Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extractions Without Fear

Sedation dentistry makes a tooth extraction in Westlake Village easy

Are you in so much pain you think a tooth extraction in Westlake Village is the only solution to your problem? Our team at Westlake Village Dentist can help! Not only can we get you out of pain, but we can also assure you there is no need to fear your extraction. We have several options for sedation, even an option to sleep completely through your procedure without feeling a thing! If you have severe nerve pain, advanced gum disease, swelling, infection or tooth decay, it is possible pulling your tooth may be the only solution. However, if there is any way to save your tooth, we will make sure we take the necessary steps to do so. Don’t let your pain last. Call us today at (805) 495-7212. We have an emergency hotline available 24/7 to answer your call.

Removing a Tooth? Consider This…

Tooth removal in Westlake Village is made easy with new technology

“It was a lot easier”

They take the tooth out, they put a post in with a cap on it, they did a bone graft, they stitched it up, and then it had to sit like that for 3 to 6 months. You hear all these horror stories about getting a new tooth implant, and the original dentist I went to said, let’s just pull it out. I had fears about my smile and changing the way my smile looked, so I went without doing anything. It got infected a bunch of times, I got antibiotics a bunch of times. Then my father who uses Dr. Looyzadeh said I should go to her, so I did. Come to find out it was a lot easier, and a lot more fear that I was worried about and that I didn’t need to.”

Melissa R.

Newbury Park, CA


We Offer Replacement Options After Extractions

Tooth removal in Westlake Village calls for tooth replacement options as well

Many people have voluntary extractions done to make room in their mouth due to overcrowding and other issues, but if you have a tooth extraction performed due to infection or other instance, you can have your missing tooth replaced. At Westlake Village Dentist we have a few options for replacing a tooth extraction in Westlake Village. Our most often suggestion for replacement is a dental implant, which is used to replace a single tooth. A dental implant is a permanent solution to a missing tooth that restores the full function of your bite just like your natural tooth. It is bonded to your jawbone and topped with a dental

crown. It also looks and feels just like a natural tooth would. If you have to have several teeth pulled there is always the option for partial or complete dentures. Partial dentures are great for replacing a few teeth, while complete dentures are a way to replace your full smile. With today’s technology to ease the process of pulling a tooth and new replacement options for teeth, extractions hardly seem as bad as they used to. In fact, they are nothing to worry about! If you are interested in tooth removal in Westlake Village, give us a call at (805) 495-7212 today.

Check out these other services at Westlake Village Dentist related to extractions

Tooth Implants
Tooth Restoration
Cleaning & Exams

Find Relief 24/7

Our dentist in Westlake Village has an emergency hotline available

Our team is always here for you! We have an emergency hotline available 24/7 for any dental emergency or appointment scheduling. Call us with any questions, and let us get you in and out of pain as quickly as possible.

We are available to answer your questions 24/7. Call us now.

(805) 495-7212

“We Also Remove Wisdom Teeth!”

Tooth extractions in Westlake Village include wisdom teeth removal

“With an oral surgeon in house we perform all types of oral surgeries and tooth extractions in Westlake Village, including wisdom teeth. Removing your wisdom teeth when needed can impact your dental health significantly. Incoming wisdom teeth can cause crowding and misalignment with your other teeth if there is not enough room for them to come in properly. Regardless of the type of tooth extraction you are receiving, our staff will take care of you and make sure to send you home with directions for a fast recovery!”

Karla M.

Registered Dental Assistant


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